Driving Test Nerves


The thought of your Theory or Practical Driving Test can be very daunting and can cause nervousness and worry.  Many people get worked up and become anxious which in turn can often lead to mistakes being made.  It is therefore important to properly prepare and to take a few steps to avoid any pre exam nerves. Test Nerves

There are various methods of reducing nerves, the more people you speak to the more mixed advice and guidance you will be given, this is because what works for one person may not necessarily work for another. 

You have a few main options when it comes to reducing nerves, many people who suffer badly will try beta-blockers which can be prescribed from your local GP, yes these are the same tablets given to people who suffer heart problems.  There are associated side affects which can often make the problem worse so be careful.  It is worth trying them before your test date to see if you suffer from any of the side affects.

In the long term, if this is a regular problem for you, seeing a cognitive behavioural therapy specialist may be of help as they can teach you techniques to over come your nerves.

However, if you just want some help for just your driving test as a one off then it is often beneficial to try a homeopathic medicine. These homeopathic medicines are available from many high street shops and can make a good difference without any side affects.  Homeopathic medicines are safe and don't impair your responses in the way a drug would. There are two to consider and it depends on the way stress affects you.  

Aside from taking pills and potions the best non biased advice given is:


  • Prepare, prepare, prepare, the more prepared you are the less nervous you will become.
  • The day before give some thought about what to wear, this may sound stupid but ensuring you are comfortable on your test day is essential, the last thing you want is to go for your driving shoes to discover you have left them at work or a friends.
  • Have a good night sleep, this is where you could use a homeopathic or herbal supplement to help you get into a deep sleep and so you wake up bright and refreshed.
  • Have a good breakfast, the last thing you want is to feel faint or to have your tummy rumbling throughout your test.
  • Lastly try and relax and if you are to take something like beta-blockers make sure you take your dosage in advance and relax.

If you take all of these points into account you should be able to keep your nerves under control.  Obviously you will still be anxious on the day but this is only natural and your examiner will expect this and try and put you at ease.

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